The more I know about CSS, the more
I realise I don’t know.
So, today. I’m going to tell you about some of the interesting things I’ve learned about layout while learning grid and teaching it to other people. Some of it directly part of
the grid specification and some parts of other specs, some things which go way way back but I never really knew that’s why they worked.
What I’ve discovered is that now I know how this stuff works, what used to be confusing now makes sense, and I would encourage anyone who builds websites to look a
little deeper into the CSS specifications themselves. That learning will save you time in the future.
This talk is essentially a collection of interesting things I learned about layout, and CSS while spending time figuring out the grid spec. I hope you’ll find some of it
interesting but that it will also inspire you to head down a few CSS rabbit holes of your own. If it does - be sure to write about it, everyone is new to this, we can teach
each other how best to use it.
My sides are full of code, it’s all on CodePen so you can play with it later.